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  “戏剧教育”(Drama in Education)是一种以教育为主要目的、带有戏剧性质的教育模式。戏剧活动可以营造一个轻松、愉快和真实的英语学习环境,让参与者在互动关系中充分发挥想象力、创造力,激发学习兴趣,强化教学效果,从而培养学生的语言能力和实践能力。




01 团队信任


02 熟悉剧本、即兴演出

△戏剧排练 - 餐厅

03 无实物情景表演


04 木偶戏



  Hi, my name is Rajiv and this semester I have been teaching drama to Grade 7 Class 4. Through my time during drama class, I have been able to help my students learn very important skills like team-building skills, public speaking skills and building  confidence. I have been assigning them various activities, which has enabled them to develop and fully realize those skills. For example, one of my first ever lessons was trust-fall, where students had to work in group to catch one of their friends so that they would not fall down on the ground. This allowed them to work in team to support their friends. Likewise, one of my other activities was building teams and then writing their own script which later on they performed in front of their whole class. While doing everything was in English. This allow them to be more confident and have more public speaking skills which I think is very valuable.
